Open DOC File

Information, tips and instructions

Convert a table in a DOC file to a LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet

Convert from table to text

The first step is, from Writer, to convert the table to text. However, in order for Access to recognize each original row and column, and transform them into records and fields, you will first have to separate each column in the table with a single delimiter character, such as a tab, semicolon, space , etc.

To do this, in this case you must use LibreOffice Writer, version 6. So, from this program, we also open that DOC document that includes the table to be taken to Base. Do it yourself, and when you see the table in question, select its cells and then in the Table> Convert> Table to Text menu the separator options will be offered:

  • Tabs
  • Semicolons
  • Paragraph
  • Other (any symbol available)

The previous table will be converted into text and each of its cells will appear separated by a tab (or the symbol you have chosen).

Save the document from Writer as plain text

With the table already converted to text, click on File>Save as. In the new window, choose the location of the new document you are going to create, also set the name and do not forget to choose the Plain Text type (* .txt).

After clicking OK, the text file will be generated. Then close Writer, along with all the documents you have open, and open LibreOffice Calc.

Create the new Spreadsheet in Calc

Now you can choose to include the data from the previous table of the DOC document in a new or existing spreadsheet.

So, from Calc, create a new spreadsheet  or, alternatively, access one that you already have created.

In any case, once the spreadsheet is open, Select File - Open and click the file you want to import.
In the type of files combo box, select "CSV Text". Click Open.

The Import Text dialog opens. Decide what data you want to include from the text document.

The first window of the import wizard will then appear. Now check the Delimited box and click Next.

The process has already finished. Your spreadsheet will now contain a new sheet,  with the columns and  rows of the table of the DOC document. Obviously, now from Calc you will be able to manage it like any spreadsheet in this Calc Software.